Linden Acres Water Main Replacement Project

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Monday 7/31/23 through Friday 8/4/23 Teichert Construction will be replacing a specific fitting associated with the newly installed water services. This fitting has failed at some residences and the City determined it necessary to be replaced. This fitting is located at the front of the house connection; most connections are located at the front of the house though some are in the backyard. Teichert’s crew will only need access to each residence one time. 

To make this replacement, the water service will need to be turned off temporarily. Before commencing the work, construction personnel will attempt to contact the occupant prior to shutting the water off. The service disruption is anticipated to be less than an hour.  

Teichert’s activities are anticipated to have minimal impact to resident street parking and traffic; no delays are expected. If any vehicles or access points are blocked off, Teichert’s crew will be able to move their equipment and direct any vehicles as necessary.  

For questions regarding the proposed workdays please contact Sid Verma. For questions specific to the work being performed please contact Sid Verma or Dean Ketelsen. If you are unable to reach either of these individuals, please contact Danny Warren or Bridget McGinnis. 

Teichert Project Engineer:  Sid Verma (916) 906-5819 

Onsite Teichert Foreman: Dean Ketelsen        (530) 219-5613 

Teichert Project Manager: Danny Warren (559) 647-5229 

City Project Manager:  Bridget McGinnis (916) 617-5033 

 Linden Project Map East and West

Project Map


Construction – Started on July 18th  



The Project is located in the City of West Sacramento’s Northeast Village neighborhood (Southport area within Linden Acres and the Linden Acres Subdivisions). The Project site is bounded by Linden Road to the north, Mojave Drive to the west, Trinity Way to the south and the proposed Liberty Residential Development to the south and east. 

This project would also include the replacement of water mains in the Linden West Subdivision and installing the remaining missing water meters in the City.  



The Linden West subdivision was built in the early 1980. In this neighborhood, the alignment of the existing water distribution system lays directly in the front lawns of homes and the existing water mains are undersize (6”). Additionally, the pipe materials used for the design includes asbestos cement (AC) pipes.  

The Linden Acres subdivision (East) was built in the late 1940s and has large half-acre lots. In this area the existing water distribution system is welded steel and lays directly in the backyard of homes. 


Description or Scope: 

The work will consist of replacing the existing system with Polyvinyl Chloride Pressure pipes in the city owned roadway/right-of-way. The replacement of the water mains will include approximately 11,000 linear feet of twelve (12) and eight (8) inch pipes with the addition of fire hydrants and service lines (laterals) to residents that will include new water meters. 

Project Benefits: 

The existing pipes are under sized and near the end of their useful life and will be abandoned in place. This will reduce the frequent maintenance of the existing water distribution system. The new water line will improve maintenance access by replacing the existing backyard water mains with new water mains in the City’s right-of-way and provide street access. The new water mains will improve water quality and hydraulic capacity for fire protection. 



  • Design completed 2021
  • Project Bid January 2022
  • City Council Approved March 2, 2022
  • Construction July 18, 2022
  • Paving April 24-28, May 8-12, and May 15-19, 2023 - Expect Road Closure 
  • Replacing Fitting July 31 - August 4, 2023



$5.3M (Estimated)  



Water Operating Fund (506) 



Domenichelli & Associates, Inc. (D&A) - Construction Management  

Teichert Construction - Contractor (City Council Approved on March 2, 2022)  



CEQA Study 


Letter sent to homes in the Northeast Village neighborhood (Southport area within Linden Acres and the Linden Acres Subdivisions) (April 1, 2022 and July 29, 2022)

Linden Acres Outreach Letter - 4/1/22

Linden Acres Outreach Letter - 4/1/22 (Spanish)

Linden Acres Outreach Letter - 4/1/22 (Russian)


Linden Acres Outreach Letter 2 - 7/29/22

Linden Acres Outreach Letter 2 - 7/29/22 (Spanish)

Linden Acres Outreach Letter 2 - 7/29/22 (Russian)



Why can’t I just use the original water line?
When will paving work be done on my street?
When will I be bill based on my metered rate?



Bridget McGinnis

Project Engineer

Assistant  Engineer, Capital Project

(916) 617-5033



Last Edited: July 27, 2023